Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, given that it's January 1st, that's a really original blog post title, isn't it?

My 2010 commitment to host a blog and continue memorizing Scripture - hence, the reason for this here little ole blog - has ended.  I'm going to continue memorizing, but this time as a Siesta Scripture Team member on Beth Moore's blog.  Feel free to join in.  I'm hoping my sweet sister-in-law is going to do it, and if she does, I know we'll have a great time at the celebration next January!  If anyone else is in, let me know in the comments.

I may just keep blogging for the fun of it.  I've had a few friends tell me I should keep it up, and, with a little peep peer pressure, I can be a wee bit of a pushover.  Heck, it'll give me something to do when I want to avoid cooking, laundry, or homeschooling my kids.

(Oh, I'm kidding.)

(Sort of.)

We had a pretty typical New Year's Eve, involving playing some games with the kids, eating, putting them to bed, watching a little Dick Clark (who, bless his sweet heart, is really getting up there), and managing to stay awake until 11:30.  Glamorous, huh?  I thought the TV pickings were pretty dismal.  Of course, we're Amish, you know, and rely on our rabbit ears and converter box.  I should've popped in When Harry Met Sally, the go-to New Year's Eve movie.

I do have to say that in my quest to impart virtue, character, and life skills to my children, I have somehow passed on one of the most beloved traits to my eldest.  Yes, you guessed it.  The love of all things trivia.  I now have a kid I can play Trivial Pursuit with.  It makes my heart sing.  We'll work on Scrabble skills next and then, frankly, my job here will be done.

We've spent most of the morning taking down Christmas decorations, which sure goes a lot faster than putting those suckers up.  It'll be nice to get the house back in order, although we do have a family get-together next week to get ready for.  It's always fun to have something else to look forward if the pinnacle of the year's holidays that we just experienced weren't enough.  I got it into my head that I would make Chicken Marsala for 20 people.  I'm not quite sure what I was thinking; I must have been hankering for Carrabba's.

And, while we're at it, I might as well post my first verse for 2011:
Hebrews 10:35-36, NIV - So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Good one, huh?  I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I'm pretty sure this year will require some perseverance.  Ya think?


  1. Love it, and still will miss this blog site.....Much love to you, dear Andrea.

  2. Yea Andi! So glad you are gonna keep up the blog!Sorry for the Peep peer pressure, but hey, at least it was positive Peep peer pressure (P4)
