I stayed up way too late Sunday night finishing Francine River's book, A Voice In the Wind, at the recommendation of my mother-in-law (she recommended the book, not the staying up late). It took me a few chapters to get into it. It's set in the world surrounding ancient Rome and everyone has those long, hard to remember names, but once I got into it, it was a gripping read. Also, fairly gory. A depiction of a coarse culture, in some ways not unlike our own today (God have mercy on us), and yet I
Was it Benjamin Franklin that said, "Don't count your hours of sleep before they hatch?"
Because when "tonight" arrived, around 1 am, we were awakened to the delightful howls of a vomiting now-six-year-old (oh, yeah, that's one of the things we've done over the last month and a half - had one of two birthdays). Oh, joy. And so I spent the rest of the night dozing on the lower bunk - which, BTW, I had to make at 1:30 in the sweet middle of the night since I washed the sheets, oh, I don't know, two weeks before and hadn't put them back on yet. Every 30 minutes or so, I was jolted awake by his "noises" (I was going to say "heaving" but feel like I'm starting to run the whole vomit story into the ground) until about 4 am, at which point he seemed to settle down for a bit, and is now, after a morning of childrens' television, asleep on the sofa with one of Jack's giant Cool Whip bowls beside him. (I wonder if he'll still want to use that one for his raisin bran, or if we'll have to trash it? He's pretty partial to his Cool Whip bowls. And his raisin bran.)
So now, before the dinner prep begins (and does anyone else besides me get tired of having to feed people three times a day?), I should get something productive done. Wouldn't that be refreshing?
Here's hoping there's a good night of sleep ahead of me tonight. Sweet dreams.
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