Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's Sunday afternoon and time for Verse 16

It is hot outside.  Really hot.  Like get-into-your-car-and-can-barely-take-a-breath-sweltering-hot.

Which makes me all the more grateful for air conditioning.

Speaking of air conditioning, Jack figures electricity is my love language.  Maybe because I leave lights on all the time.  I really am getting better at turning them off when I'm not using them; I'm making a concerted effort, honest, I am.  (Also, they put off heat, and we've already determined that heat = uncomfortable, thereby making it easier to remember to turn them off.)

And we're informally counting the weeks until the first cool front wings its way southward.  Now granted, it probably won't be a biggie, but any cool weather will be greatly appreciated.

Alright already, enough about the weather.  (That makes me think of that line from the movie Beaches, where Bette Midler says to her friend, "Oh, enough about me.  Let's talk about you.  What do you think about me?")

So, what's on the agenda for all you out there in blogland?  We are easing our way back into school.  However, the key is not to ease for too long, so I'm going to have to kick it into higher gear next week, but so far our easing has gone well.

Well, while all the males of the family are enjoying John Wayne in Flying Tigers, I'll get down to business and post my verse before they finish and start asking for their next meal.  Who knows, maybe I'll even have time for a rousing game of Spider Solitaire.  Yes, I'm that lame.

I'm going to do Ephesians 2:6 NASB this time:  "(But God) raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..."

The concept of "who we are in Christ" is certainly not a new one.  We hear it a lot in church circles, and I'm learning more about it - the depth and power of what it really means - lately.  My prayer is that it will become revelation to me - not just head knowledge but heartfelt belief.

What verse are you going to work on?


  1. Proverbs 4:20-22 My son (daughter), attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

  2. For where your treasure is,
    there will your heart be also.
    ~Luke 12:34

    I have a check in my spirit this week about where is my treasure?? so I decided to go back and find this scripture and ask God to reveal REALLY reveal where is my heart ..


  3. I don't have these down yet, but there are a couple of verses in Psalms 90 that have my attention. The two are about 'favor' and God giving His lovingkindness in the morning, so we can have joy all of our days. Those are the ones I have been reflecting upon lately.

    BTW - "ahem" the keeping on the lights thing runs in your family. my car A/C went out yesterday, so I can relate to 'heat'.

    Thanks Andy, love ya,

  4. Psalm 139:16 - "Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

    - Tammy

  5. Looks like I have some catching up to do! But I did get to spend some time in the last couple of weeks "soaking" in God's presence. I pulled some verses from my journaling during that time. How I wish I could do that more often!

    August 1st verse - 2 Chronicles 4:10

    Jabez cried to the Lord, saying, Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and you would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me! And God granted his request.

    Knew the concept, but nothing is as powerful as the actual words - God granted his request!

    August 16th verse - Psalm 122:7

    May peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces.

    I kind of like that with the activity of school starting up again.

  6. For you are God my Savior, and my HOPE is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5
