Saturday, January 9, 2010

How Are Your Verses Going?

Have you found your spiral index cards?  I found some at Walmart the other day and stocked up.  I've even been known to - gasp! - flip it over when I get to the end and use the other sides of the cards.  Yeah, I'm frugal that way...or just unprepared and ran out of all depends on how you look at it.

One thing I usually do is jot down the date for the verse I'm memorizing.  There were times looking over last year's verses that the date would jog my memory for that verse ("oh, yeah, that was after the first/second/third doctor's appointment" or "that was when we were praying about ________").  You get the idea, I'm sure.

If you have some tricks or ideas that you use, will you please share them with us in the comments?  And you don't have to use the spiral cards either if you find something that works better for you.  The index card police will not come after you.

I'm going to link to Beth Moore's blog (look at me, getting all fancy-schmancy with my linking-self) where she gave some memorization tips that you might find helpful.

So glad to have y'all along for the ride.


  1. Thanks for the tips, Andy. I found my spiral cards at office depot. I'm going to date mine, now. When I went away to college, my Mom gave me spiral index cards with bible verses she wrote on them. (my emergency survival kit!) It brings back good memories for me. :)

  2. Andrea. Thanks so much for the tips! I am headed to get my cards...TODAY. This is the meat of the video in case others don't have time to listen:

    RENEW - Acrostic for Scripture memorization based on Romans 12:2

    “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but
    be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will
    be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good,
    pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 (NIV)

    R – Read It (out loud and often)
    E – Examine It (look for things to help you remember it)
    N – Need It (be sure it is something you personally need)
    E – Echo It (read it and echo it back – don’t worry if it’s not perfect)
    W – Wield It (learn how to use it against the powers of darkness)

    Isn't that great! Thanks, again, for leading me to this info! Am loving this!

  3. Very excited about memorizing God's word and looking expectantly toward all He will do in 2010! (Now that I've finally gotten the whole "post" thing down maybe I can figure out how to post a pic of myself later. Hee, Hee!)

    2nd memory verse for January:

    Psalm 9:10
    Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, O Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.
