Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring has Sprung...and Verse 6

Well, so far this daylight savings time thing is eating my lunch...  Here it is 10:30 and no one has had breakfast yet.  (And The Staff is off this week so no breakfast in bed for me.)  Oh, well, we'll just eat in a little bit and call it an early lunch.

I've got some exciting stuff planned for spring break, including but not necessarily limited to, the following:
  • The office closet floor needs to be unearthed from a couple of weeks ago when I told Sam to push a bunch of stuff in there to get it out of the way.
  • The parts of the desk that I can see are covered with dust.  Aha!  There's a reason to not clear off the desktop.
  • Weeds.  Everywhere.  Although according to Jack, a weed is just a plant growing in the wrong place.  Is it still the sin of pride if your pride is what actually makes you finally weed your flowerbeds?
  • I've never completed the room-switching-over-process from a few weeks ago.  We got Sam moved into Michael's room, but never fully got Michael moved into Josh's room, meaning Michael's clothes are in various places all over the upstairs, which is challenging since he is the boy who actually likes to wear clean clothes everyday.
Whew, I don't know about you, but I don't think I can stand much more excitement.  I'd better be careful or someone will video all this mayhem and call it "Moms Gone Wild: Spring Break".

Well, let me share my verse and get on with it.  I'm memorizing Phil. 3:12b (NASB), "I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus."  Bob Mumford used this verse in The Agape Road in talking about becoming a Father-pleaser.  God had a THAT in mind for each one of us when he formed us, called us, and laid hold of us.  Made me think of that scene from City know, the ONE thing.  Don't remember it?  Why not?  It's only a 20 year old movie.  What can I say?  I don't get out enough....  I'll work on getting some more current movie references.  In the meantime, you have a THAT...a destiny and purpose that you are called to fulfill.

And on a similar note, we had this prophet dude in church yesterday who talked a lot about God the Father and intimacy with the Father, which is exactly what The Agape Road is about.  I think it's so cool when God repeats in church what we did in class.  It's like He's saying, "Can you hear Me now?"

Y'all have a great Spring Break.  Can't wait to see your verses.



  1. Our spring break just ended and man could I use another one! I don't think I posted a verse for March 1 - oops. Well, I'll make it up. Anyhow - I think I'm going to copy the one you are using, Andy. I liked it so much and it really meant a lot to me. I so often go through my days saying, "surely Lord, there's a destiny for me to fulfill." (Hard to see when your mopping your kitchen floor for the second time in one week because your 4 year old decided to try and pour the oj all by her stinking-little-independent-determined-self!)

  2. And after the earthquake a fire;
    but the Lord was not in the fire,
    and after the fire
    a still small voice.
    I Kings 19:12

    I just love this one.

  3. Aunt Andrea...I hope you accomplished your list during Spring Break...I love what you put because it is just life in action...I feel so close to you knowing you are right there with me in the "mommy to do list, never seems to be all done" season of life. I just wanted to finish reading my awesome christian fiction "Redeeming Love"...I am still reeling from it! Absolutely amazing!
    My verse:
    You are our letter...written not in ink,
    but with the Spirit of the living God,
    not on stone tablets, but on tablets of human hearts.
    2 Corinthians 3:2-3
    I am so blessed to have such awesome aunts in my life.

  4. Andy, thanks for your posts. They are always encouraging and uplifting.

    I DID read your March 1st one, had scripture in mind, and reflected on said scripture IN MIND, never writing it on paper. IN MIND, is so much different than keeping THE WORD IN FRONT OF YOU. My next accessory, a phylactery, like some Jews wear, to keep THE WORD on the frontals of my forehead. Or maybe to write on the 3x5 spiral?

    All that to say, here is my 'continued' memory verse for this go-around.

    Revelation 12:11
    "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony..."

    As I grow older, one prayer is for my life to reflect the victory of the Cross, to TESTIFY of the Savior's grace and the Father's love.

    btw - doesn't Spring Break, mean Spring BREAK, Andy? I know a mom's job is 24/7, but come on, HAVE A BREAK, and do a little something for yourself!

    love you!

  5. I'm going to focus on my son's life verse this time. It's good medicine for me in this phase of life. :) Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
    Joshua 1:9

    Thanks for leading us on, Andrea!

  6. Well, I did actually take a Spring BREAK and I am soo glad I did. I spent time with my mom, my niece, and had fun with my son.

    So I am just now getting around to my verse -

    Malachi 4:6
    He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.

    Whoa, Andrea - I picked that verse weeks ago. Maybe God really is saying can you hear me now!

  7. Psalm 139:6
    "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain."

    - Tammy
